
memory remain.

Hello there.thanks for reminding me how lonely i was.haha.
I wish i have someone to talk to.arghh.I hate this feeling.
I miss my buddy so much.-Amalina,Fara,Wani,Lysa and Yayin
even they are 300miles away,but they are too close with my heart
I wanted to visit them but can I?
our friendship started last year.PMR examination.thats what we become closer.then they was arguement with senior and we face it together.
this year,only six of us left-the form four batch-
so here we are.closer and protect each other.
we face a hard time together.
a very hard,dizzy situation at hostel
then,i and yayin got an offer to go to technic school
since we cant handle the situation that happen,so they ask us to leave the jail
with berat hati,we moved to the another school
I really miss them
they are my real friend ever.i swear
since i dont have alot of friend here so they are my everything
everrytime i got problem i share with them
sometimes when i free i called them(its wani actually.heeh.)
the end

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